Are students who take a gap year eligible?
Students who are taking a gap year, who are not considered a transfer student, qualify for Geneva Tuition Promise if enrolling for Fall 2024.
Are commuter students considered for Tuition Promise?
符合所有资格条件的通勤学生将有资格获得新濠天地app学费承诺, residence on campus is not a requirement.
What if I just moved to PA in the past year?
您必须是宾夕法尼亚州居民概述的PA国家赠款法律和政策. More information can be found at pheaa.org.
What if my family income changes in the future?
新濠天地app学费承诺的考虑是在3月1日截止日期之前的入学时间. If income increases in a subsequent academic year, and you are no longer eligible for Geneva Tuition Promise, 新濠天地app只会更新你在入学时适用的奖学金和助学金.
What if my family income has changed since the reporting year on FAFSA?
If circumstances have changed, such as job loss or death of parent/spouse, 请联系财政援助办公室进行专业判断审查.
If eligible for the Geneva Tuition Promise, your Geneva aid, 联邦, and PA State grants will apply directly to tuition. 你可以利用贷款资格和外部私人赠款和奖学金来支付与你的出席费用相关的额外费用. If 条件 are associated with outside aid, the Office of Financial 援助 will work on those details with you.
How does this impact my Veteran Education and Training Benefits?
直接支付给大学的退伍军人和军人福利可能只有学费支付要求. 财政援助办公室的学校认证官员将帮助您确定联邦, 状态, and Geneva aid that can apply to other expenses.
How is the family income of $70,000 determined?
收入是由FAFSA报告的应税和免税收入要素的信息确定的. View terms and 条件 in the tab above for eligibility.
Are transfer students eligible?
No, transfer students are not eligible for this program.